Digital marketing is a complex and highly evolving concept which encompasses every areas (you will want to speak to a number of people and/or businesses to help you on your journey including an organic seo services company, PPC marketer, social media marketing firm and content marketing whizz) . It burst into our collective consciousness in the mid-1990s, just as the world was beginning to embrace the advent of the internet. Today, digital marketing has become a vital part of modern business and has outgrown traditional analogue marketing. Digital advertising spending in 2018 accounts for 46.7 percent ($287.4 billion) of global ad spending ($616 billion).

Business executives should master the intricacies of digital marketing to stay ahead of the game. Image courtesy of Pixabay
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is essentially advertising delivered via digital mediums using the internet, which includes, but are not limited to search engine marketing (or pay-per-click advertising), social media marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) and mobile phone advertising (through mobile apps).
Marketing done using the digital medium are inherently more effective as it can be tailored to specific demographic, household income level, age and other similar criteria. The cheaper overall cost and relatively higher return of investment also make it more attractive compared to broadcast or print ads.
In addition, certain types of digital marketing can be tailored to engage customers directly, which helps to foster brand loyalty. Speaking of brands, digital marketing offers advertisers the ability to maintain and enhance brand awareness at relatively no cost to customers which follow them on social media platforms.
Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is not constrained to regimented ad sizes or video and audio lengths.
What types of digital advertising should companies pursue?
Instead of focusing on the popular forms of digital marketing, companies should also explore some of the lesser known digital marketing channels. Although the penetration and conversion rates might not be as effective, they might just give businesses that little bit of an extra edge in highly competitive marketplaces.
Regardless of whether your organisation operates from a purely e-commerce platform or a conventional offline business, the information in the following pages might prove to be the boost it desperately needs.